Perception of our wrong-doing.

﷽ How do we feel about the sins we commit? Our attitude towards a small sin could be that we don’t care about it that much, so we continue doing it. Contrary towards a major sin we could feel really bad about, so we stop it. What if it were the case that we feel … More Perception of our wrong-doing.

KCL Discover Islam Week 2014- my view.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Along the 17th-21st February 2014, Discover Islam Week (DIW) took place at my campus (Guy’s Campus) run by the King’s College London ISOC.  DIW in short is a national programme that takes place across universities within the UK hosted by their Islamic Societies (ISOCs). They aim to invite and clear the misconceptions … More KCL Discover Islam Week 2014- my view.

Heart to forgive.

-Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim- During the last few weeks, I have had some really interesting experiences. Some good and some bad. All in all, I would say that whatever has come my way has been worth it. I believe that everything happens for a reason, even if we feel really upset at the time about what … More Heart to forgive.